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Privacy policy

ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN, in its commitment to the Protection of its clients’ Personal Data, has carried out a review of all its business processes, adapting them to the Community regulations, the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), implementing the appropriate security measures in accordance with the results obtained from the analysis carried out, and has updated its privacy policies and, consequently, this Legal Notice.

The User and/or Client guarantees that the data provided is true, exact, complete and up to date, and shall be responsible for any direct or indirect damage or harm that may be caused as a consequence of the non-fulfilment of said obligation. In the event that the data provided belong to a third party, the User and/or Client guarantees that he/she has informed said third party of the aspects contained in this document and obtained their authorisation to provide their data to ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN for the aforementioned purposes.

The Portal may host blogs, forums and other social networking applications or services in order to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and content. Any personal information provided by the user may be shared with other users of this service, over which ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN has no control.

For the purposes of technical security and system diagnostics, in anonymised or pseudonymised form, ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN may record the IP address (the device’s Internet access identification number, which allows devices, systems and servers to recognise and communicate with each other). This information may also be used for web performance analysis purposes.

In accordance with the provisions of the applicable personal data protection regulations, the User and/or Client of ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN is hereby informed of the following:

Data controller

The Data Controller of the data provided voluntarily by the user is:


CIF: B67738070

REGISTRED OFFICE: Parque Empresarial EXPO ZARAGOZA Avda. Ranillas Nº1A, Planta 3º – Oficina 3A 50018, Zaragoza

Purposes of the processing of personal data

The personal data provided voluntarily by the user will be incorporated into processing records owned by ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN for the following purposes:

  • The processing and management of the request for information and/or advice, pre-order or order made by the User and/or Client via this site, telephone or e-mail.
  • The management and control of the services offered through the website, telephone or e-mail, related to advice and the provision of services.
  • The sending of commercial information about ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN services and products whose contracting may be of interest to the user, provided that the user has expressly accepted this.
  • Manage the Users of the Website
  • To provide the services included in the Website and/or to provide the requested information, either via the web, by e-mail or by telephone. Emails may report a confirmation of receipt and reading.
  • To manage the contractual or commercial relationship established between ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN and Users and/or Clients.
  • To manage the fulfilment of contractual or extra-contractual obligations assumed by ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN.
  • Manage and maintain a single Client register in the ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN promotional system, if expressly accepted.
  • In those cases in which the User expressly consents, to send advertising communications and commercial information about ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN regarding its activities, products, services, offers, competitions, special promotions, as well as documentation of a diverse nature that may be of interest or useful to the User and/or Client.

Likewise, in each process where the user provides their personal data, they will be informed of the obligatory or optional nature of their completion, and of the consequences of not providing them.

Information about the processing of data for sending communications

The data used, or provided, in informative and/or promotional communications are processed by ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN for purposes consisting of sending electronic communications of an informative nature about services, activities, publications, celebrations and social and professional events of ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN that may be of interest to the User and/or Client; the monitoring and optimisation of marketing campaigns will be carried out by means of technologies for this purpose.

Consent for the sending of such communications may be revoked at any time in each of the communications received by means of the mechanism provided for this purpose.

The criterion for the conservation of data will be based on the manifestation of opposition to the processing on your part. In any case, the rights of access, rectification or suppression, limitation of processing, opposition and portability may be exercised by sending an e-mail to

Personal data of third parties

In the case of personal data provided by a person other than the user or owner of the data who acts as a representative of the latter, said representative guarantees that he/she has informed the owner of the data provided of this Privacy Policy and has obtained his/her authorisation to provide his/her data to ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN for the aforementioned purposes. Likewise, he/she guarantees that the data provided is accurate and up to date, and shall be responsible for any direct or indirect damage or harm that may be caused as a consequence of non-compliance with this obligation.

Retention period for personal data

The personal data provided will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship is maintained, their deletion is not requested by the interested party and they must not be deleted because they are necessary for the fulfilment of a legal obligation, for the formulation, exercise and defence of claims, or when their conservation is required to enable the application of any benefit, discount or promotional advantage for the customer.

In the event that the user revokes their consent to the processing of their data or exercises their rights of cancellation or deletion, their personal data will be kept blocked at the disposal of the Administration of Justice for the legally established periods in order to attend to possible liabilities arising from the processing of the same.

Legitimacy for the processing of personal data

ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN is legitimised to carry out the processing of personal data on the basis that:

  • The User and/or Client has given his/her explicit consent for the purposes described in section 2 of this Policy that require the processing of User and/or Client data.
  • The User and/or Customer has provided his/her personal data in the context of a contractual or pre-contractual relationship for the purpose of processing his/her request for services related to its products.
  • The User and/or Client has given their informed consent for the sending of commercial communications related to ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN products and/or services that may be of interest to the User and/or Client, for the installation of tracking systems that provide information on browsing habits in accordance with the Cookies Policy, or for the sending of information requested through contact forms.

There are legal obligations that require the processing of personal data in accordance with the services provided.

The legal basis for the processing of the personal data of Users and/or Clients by ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN resides in letters a), b) and c) of number 1 of article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April and the Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPD GDD) of 2018.

Categories of addressees

The personal data of ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN Users and/or Clients may be communicated to the following categories of interested parties:

  • Entities with which it has collaboration agreements to enable the execution and correct fulfilment of the contract signed by said users and/or clients.
  • Management companies with which ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN has collaboration agreements to enable the execution and correct fulfilment of the aforementioned contract.
  • Insurance companies with which ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN has collaboration agreements to enable the execution and correct fulfilment of the mandatory insurance contracts.
  • Financial Entities with which ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN has collaboration agreements to enable the execution and correct fulfilment of the corresponding contract.
  • IT service providers
  • Public Administrations and Bodies, for the fulfilment of obligations directly demandable to ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN and/or when the corresponding legal authorisation exists.

International transfers

ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN does not currently carry out international data transfers.

Rights of data subjects

The User and/or Client may exercise their rights of access, rectification or suppression, limitation of processing, opposition, portability, and the right to oppose automated individual decisions before ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN. Likewise, they may revoke their consent in the event that they have granted it for any specific purpose, and may modify their preferences at any time.

The User and/or Client may exercise any of the rights mentioned in the previous paragraph by sending an e-mail indicating the right they are exercising to ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN at the following address:

The User and/or Client is informed that he/she may address any type of complaint regarding the protection of personal data to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the Spanish State Control Authority.

Policy update

The present policy has been updated in accordance with the requirements of the Community regulations on Personal Data Protection, the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPD GDD).

Likewise, it is hereby informed that the present policy may be modified due to changes in the requirements established by the legislation in force at any given time, judicial decisions and jurisprudential changes, as well as changes in ORIGEN CORPORACIÓN‘s actions and strategy. The publication, and access by users, shall be carried out through this same site, it being understood that the relations established with the same prior to the change shall be governed by the regulations foreseen at the time when the website was accessed for its establishment.