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Origen Genetics was born with the aim of improving the quality of life of people by applying present and future technology

The biotechnology sector is not only presents opportunities in the early detection of genomic-based diseases, but also with gene-editing techniques and the creation of personalized drugs that make it possible to eliminate diseases and create drugs for pathologies that previously had no solution.

Origen Genetics expert services are based on genetic analysis of our clients which, combined with a personalized plan and follow-up, allow us to calculate the risk of developing a multitude of diseases before any symptoms appear. Even before the disease takes its first cellular steps.

Unlike other genetic analysis companies, at Origen Genetics we take our service beyond the initial test. An extremely close service, with monthly and personal interactions with our clients. An impeccable and infinite service that begins as soon as the sale is made and continues with successive phases.

At Origen Genetics we apply technology in an intelligent and efficient way to permanently update the relevant information for each client. 


diseases can be diagnosed by personalized genomics

Why sequence the genome?


Between 15-20% of cancer cases are due to familial aggregation that increases the likelihood of cancer in the family.


Up to 20% of newborns admitted to paediatric ICUs have a genetic disease or syndrome.


The 3% of couples who want offspring have a 25% risk of having a child affected by a genetic disease.


Between 15-20% of sudden cardiac deaths are due to genetic abnormalities in genes responsible for the structure of the heart muscle or heart rhythm.


6% of the population has an increased risk of inherited thrombosis. Acquired factors such as rest or lack of physical activity increase the risk.


Between 3-5% of hospital admissions in Europe are due to adverse drug reactions.

How does our process differ from others?

Expert technological services for the healthcare industry, pharma and insurance companies

New technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, cloud and high performance computing are redefining the health sector and will be the tools that will lead the advance in the prediction and treatment of health.

At Origen we are expert technology integrators in an area where most of the information is published in multiple databases around the world. Our value in this sense is to discern these sources and integrate with those that are more interesting by applying this technological capacity in the health sector, both to benefit our clients as well as medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, laboratories, etc. Technological knowledge is key to access, process and apply all this information to each client.

Our CORE team, formed by experts in biotechnology, will be in charge of improving the product, improving the forecasts, the algorithm, finding new markers and adding value to the recommendations and services to our clients.

All this following the strictest security and data protection protocols, to ensure such an important and personal information as Genomic data.

Vitamins And Precision Cosmetics

Genetic engineering has made important advances in almost all areas of our lives, including the world of vitamins and precision cosmetics.

From the analysis of the different genetic variants, we prepare a precise and personalized report of results where we advise our clients on the most effective products for them, specifically designed for their wellness needs.

These products have been specially selected and personalized based on the information obtained from the genetic tests, the lifestyle and habits of our customers, all backed by a team of experts in genetics and nutrition.

“Care Life” health and good habits services based on genetic information

By nature some of us are more prone to some problems than others and we may also have a series of habits that can put our health at risk and maximize the appearance or severity of problems. Genetics can help us in this, it can tell us what risks we have to develop some diseases or others, but also if we cross all this with your habits, we can know what makes that genetics is expressed or what makes that genetics is not expressed.

Imagine if you had at the click of a button the real possibility that someone would be concerned about your health and that of your family, about your habits and their habits, about your well-being and theirs in general, applying technology and genetic advances to achieve maximum longevity with the highest possible quality of life, would you let it happen? That reality exists, in our Origen Care Life service.

 In our Care Life service we put at your disposal all the existing technology for the prediction of diseases with genetic basis, so that by sequencing your complete genome, and of the highest quality (30x) and based on the best scientific studies, constantly updated and applied, we determine the risk you have of suffering from these diseases

Our clear objective is to prevent, delay or help in the diagnosis of diseases in very early stagesWe want your healthy life expectancy to be as close as possible to your life expectancy. And this is feasible today, you can follow the recommendations and warnings of the health authorities, but the most important thing is to know what is the highest priority for you based on your genomic risks.

The service also helps you in your wellbeing, not only is it necessary to prevent genetic diseases, a correct diet, a correct vitamin supplementation, correct habits in general can help you to avoid other types of diseases or discomforts.  It is not only about living longer but also about living better.

All this would not make sense if it were not easy to understand and logically 100% personal, therefore and with the aim of helping you to understand and apply good habits our Care Life service offers you our expert geneticists LifeCoach.

The LifeCoach is in charge of explaining the genetic results, helping and motivating the clients to execute the personalized action plans that we make based on the genetic alerts, as well as following up on them. These action plans are carried out through periodic face-to-face interviews or through online channels, with the sole purpose of achieving a better and longer life for our clients.

In Origen Genetics we add a new concept to health services, the Genomic insurance, that is our Care Life service.   




“Core Life” Technology Platform

Our “CORE LIFE” platform is the way to connect with our clients both for the visualization of their data, as well as for the communication of personalized alerts and the realization of counseling and follow-up sessions. 

Thanks to this digital environment, our customers can access our service at any time and from anywhere, via their cell phones, tablets or personal computers. Clarity, support and proximity are the keys to our service.

The main features of Core Life are:


The information managed from the platform has the highest degree of security and privacy, so we have focused all our efforts and experience in securing it, with the best authentication systems, encrypted databases and Blockchain technology to trace access to any genomic data, complying with the best international practices for genomic data.


We collaborate with the main market leaders in terms of managing large volumes of data in the cloud, seeking a clear objective, to be able to scale and grow without limitation (GCloud / Azure / AWS).


The main purpose of the platform is to be able to connect to as many sources of information as exist in the market to provide the best and most updated information to our customers.


In Origen we have a maxim, the technology applied to health should be accessible to all without exception, therefore, the CORE VIDA platform we have focused on the user experience so that the information and knowledge of it comes in a clear and very understandable way to users.

Genetic Algorithms:

Genetics and biotechnology is a science in continuous evolution, every day there are new advances and new discoveries.  At Origen Genetics we are committed to science and to our clients, that is why we have a CORE team that is constantly improving and expanding genetic algorithms for the benefit of our clients.




Artificial Intelligence:

We apply AI to improve genetic algorithms and to find correlations between habits and genetic traits in order to offer you the best predictive knowledge.

Improve Me Area:

This is the main area of interaction of the platform with the client, where the assigned LifeCoach and the client schedule the sessions and establish the improvement plan, as well as the present and future actions and the follow-up of the record of those already taken.