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We are specialized in theprovision of services in different areas of the technology sector

We are one of the leading European Technology companies, experts in making the most cutting-edge technologies at your service: Artificial Intelligence, Data Driven, Virtual Reality and Metaverse, Cybersecurity and Digital Strategic Consulting.

We specialize in providing services to public and private organizations, regardless of their size or activity, focused on helping companies overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.

The greatest asset of our company is the human team, we are a company of people for people.

Area of expertise

Artificial Intelligence

Technology is fundamental to help drive corporate strategy and guarantee its success.

At Origen we work with the latest technologies applied to Artificial Intelligence, seeking integration and optimization with our clients’ existing systems, in a way that benefits all the company’s processes and people.

We have global teams of AI experts that will help our clients position their companies for modernization, innovation and digital transformation, thus achieving a competitive advantage that produces tangible benefits.

There are many different AI’s that we can integrate quickly and efficiently into our clients’ business processes today.

Therefore, it is essential to understand their processes in order to identify the AI’s that can streamline those processes, solve interactions with our clients’ customers or simply provide more value.

Virtual Reality & Metaverse

The Metaverse, Virtual and Augmented Reality takes us to a new era of digital change that will create new lines of business and will transform the interactions between clients and companies.

The Metaverse involves the convergence of physical and virtual reality in a shared online space and requires a computing and processing infrastructure that can support large data flows and low latency.

Our purpose is to accompany our clients in the development of their projects in this innovative technological revolution, to create and operate their new virtual spaces and reinvent their markets.

Both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality can help you to be more productive, to ensure that your team has the necessary information at the right time and that the training processes are immersive, improving efficiency and dynamism.

Data Driven

The business world is constantly changing and data is an essential asset for companies, becoming a powerful strategic tool for making decisions that generate business impact, understanding the past, monitoring the present and predicting the future.

The availability of reliable information in real time is key to make predictions and gain agility, offering a competitive advantage to organizations.

Origen has a team of professionals specialized in data analysis and innovation that offer comprehensive statistical consulting and data analysis solutions to our clients, transforming them into Data Driven companies with an important competitive advantage in the digital market.

We can also help your company to become a DDC – Data Driven Company: who is the owner of the data, what data do we have, what external data affect us, what data do we need, what are the real KPI’s, from Origen we help you to solve all these questions and to implement this model of data-driven company.


Cybercrime is an exponentially growing reality. Companies need to optimize their digital security and have the appropriate cybersecurity measures in place to protect their information from any vulnerability and attack, ensuring the best response to possible incidents and business continuity.

To protect themselves effectively, it is necessary to establish awareness and training measures for users. In cyber-crime, awareness and prevention are the best solution and the best defense.

At Origen we adapt cybersecurity to the needs of each company so that they can work in highly secure environments. We have a team of trained and certified professionals that, together with our multi-sector experience, allows us to develop new generation cybersecurity services to protect our clients’ businesses.

Digital Strategic Consulting

Transforming into a highly digitalized company is a matter of a solid combination of strategy, technological vision and innovation. 

At Origen we understand the problems of an organization when it comes to defining an adequate ICT planning according to its needs, therefore, we help our clients to design and implement the best technological strategy to meet their objectives in terms of growth, profitability and market consolidation.

Our experience and knowledge of the sector allows us to help our clients define their needs, evaluate the different alternatives and adopt the best technological solutions towards business transformation.

Audiovisual Engineering

Origen has a team of technical and creative professionals with extensive experience in the design, development and integration of technical equipment, as well as in the management of integral projects to create digital spaces tailored to each client.

We study, design and integrate the necessary equipment for each project in an individualized manner, with the most advanced technological solutions and offering the most innovative solutions in the audiovisual sector.

At ORIGEN we manage and execute the projects from the first phases of Consulting and Design of spaces, to the start-up, training and maintenance, offering the complete cycle to cover the needs of our clients.

Low Code

The growing development of companies and businesses has made work teams look for more agile solutions to adapt to digital environments. Low Code platforms allow the creation of applications without code, no-code platforms, or with low code usage, eliminating the need for classic programming and establishing faster and more accessible development cycles than traditional systems.

By reducing programming and testing times, companies can invest in solutions that increase efficiency, improve productivity and respond quickly to market changes.

At Origen we have a team of experts in the development of Low Code technology that allows us to offer our clients all the advantages of using this technology, reducing development time, reducing maintenance time, reducing costs, increasing productivity and taking advantage of the Cloud.


La tecnología Blockchain es uno de los conceptos más innovadores y disruptivos de los últimos años, se trata de una nueva realidad que promete cambiar para siempre el modo en el que gestionamos nuestra información en el mundo digital.

Esta tecnología nos permite transferir y almacenar datos de una manera totalmente segura gracias a una codificación y encriptación avanzada.

Contamos con un equipo de expertos que te ayudaran a definir y desarrollar tu proyecto estratégico con tecnología blockchain y smartcontract, siempre basados en la máxima transparencia y profesionalidad dada que esta tecnología no es para todas las compañías ni para todos los propósitos.

Desde Origen te ayudaremos a analizar cuáles son los puntos clave de mejora, los usuarios principales y los riesgos existentes a la hora de desarrollar un proyecto blockchain.


A non fungible token (NFT) is a digital certificate of authenticity and/or ownership. Specifically, it is a unique, unrepeatable, indivisible and limited in quantity digital asset that, linked to the development of blockchain technology, is constantly gaining presence in the digital world.

NFTs are individual units with a unique value, which means that if you buy a tokenized digital content with NFTs, at all times there will always be a record of the first value it had, and how much it was bought for, which guarantees that the piece cannot be duplicated.

NFTs are now becoming a fundamental part of the new digital economy.

Our expert services are based on helping you monetize your digital and physical assets online.

Development and Integration

The growth of the technology sector is continuous, which means that it is becoming increasingly common for companies to opt for the outsourcing of Information Technology services.

Nowadays, the success of companies consists of using the best software tools and integrating them into the processes of their collaborators. As expert integrators, this is where Origen helps you to connect your processes and systems with clients, suppliers and administration.

At Origen we are also experts in the implementation and development of corporate or niche applications linked to the specific existing systems of our clients, such as ERPs or CRMs, we study each case individually, improving the productivity of companies, resources and business processes and offering our advice adjusting to the interests of each project.